Making It Easier for People with Mental Illness to Get Help

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We need to find a way in this country to make it easier for people with mental illness to find the help they need. There are places you can get help, mental and behavioral health toolkit, tips, phone numbers, resources, training and more. But it remains difficult to get access to professionals, to get into the system so you can get yourself or a person you love some help. Particularly in certain areas of the country. It should never be a choice between basic needs like food or shelter, versus medical care whether that is medications or mental professionals.

There are far more people suffering from mental illness than we see

There are a lot more people that suffer from some form of mental illness than most people realize and that is because a lot of them suffer quietly and choose not to tell anyone. There is still a lot of shame attached to mental illness and people are uncomfortable with sharing things as a result. Important public goals in any society should be improved mental health care and improved access to mental health care as well as easier-to-access suicide prevention resources and things like a mental health toolkit people can use. 

You do not have to just get by, your days, your life, can be more than that. You can find satisfaction again and enjoyment again. Suicide is not the answer or the best choice and when there is better mental health care suicide prevention is more successful.

What to do to help people around you

Here is a look at some of the warning signs of depression. If you use something like a behavioral health toolkit you can also learn more.

1) Mild depression

If their sleep, concentration and appetite are not affected and they are not especially irritable then their depression is probably more on the mild side and they can talk to a psychologist, counselor or therapist to get help.

2) Moderate to severe depression

If they are crying frequently, having angry outbursts, or losing their temper at very minor things. 

They are very irritable, snapping at others and highly critical and impatient.

Unable to focus or follow through, poor concentration and very easily distracted.

Are struggling to get to sleep, sleeping more often or waking up and then not being able to get to sleep again.

Having shortness of breath and other symptoms of panic attacks like chest tightness, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, shaking, tingling in the feet or hands and sweating.

Are having thoughts about suicide.

Are taking more recreational drugs and abusing alcohol.

These are all signs of more serious depression and as well as talking to someone about it, their doctor may recommend them to try out a medication to help.


With a mental health toolkit and other resources you can better help people around you and prevent suffering and things like suicide. Thoughts of suicide are not always when someone is depressed and the depressed do not always think about suicide but there is a link.

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