Know This Before Opting for Chemical Peels


Chemical peels are aimed at removing dead skin cells only to bring about healthier skin. Chemical peels are further divided into different levels, light, medium and deep for a better idea.

If you are opting for chemical peels, you need to consult professionals such as a certified dermatologist, licensed health-care provider or even a surgeon. If conducted by professionals chemical peels can be extremely safe. You should prepare yourself from the beginning for a better idea.

Comparatively, chemical peels are extremely convenient because they are safe and do not require much time. The treatment usually takes 30-90 minutes and may take two to three weeks for complete recovery. Chemical peel is considered to be expensive and the price may vary from place to place. However, Clinique Anti Aging chemical peel facial is extremely affordable.

What are the types of chemical peels?

As suggested above there are different levels of chemical peels. You need to consider every treatment thoroughly. Some of the type of chemical peels that can be effective in the long run include the following

Superficial peels: This type of peel ensures the facial around the outer layer of the skin. It avoids penetration to inner layers.

Medium peels: This type of peel facial is aimed for both, middle and outer skin layers using glycolic acid. It is aimed at removing the damaged skin cells.

Deep peels: If you are tired of damaged skin cells, then deep peels are the most effective. It penetrates into the middle layer of the skin and uses phenol or trichloroacetic acid to get rid of the damaged undertone skin layers.

Are there any side effects?

There are but they are common and pretty rare. Some of the common side effects of chemical peel include redness, dryness, swelling and even burning. However, aggravated or serious conditions may be harmful but rare. Deep peels may lead to inability to tan.

But, there are some impacts due to chemical peels that can last for a long time. These include the following


Skin lightening/darkening



What do I expect?

When adopting chemical peeling, the type of reaction you expect completely depends on the type of procedure you will be adopting.

Light peel

You will recover within four to seven days and can expect a darker or lighter skin.

Medium peel

Recovery period is around seven days but the redness may last for months. Then, redness would turn into brows crusts and break to reveal new skin.

Deep peel

This may annoy the skin and recovery period is around two weeks but the redness may last for months.

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