In seconds, Soberlink lets you do your own breathalyser test



You may now get a breathalyser that is connected to your Smartphone. Overindulgence in alcoholic beverages is still one of the top causes of mortality that might have been avoided. There is still a stigma attached to alcoholism in society, and it is generally treated in private treatment clinics or therapy groups that are not open to the public. Ten million years ago, humans first drank alcohol. Both of these issues, however, may now be resolved by using cutting-edge technology.

Instantaneous computations

This problem of alcoholism affects everyone in some capacity, according to Brad Keays, the founder and executive director of a company called Soberlink. This California-based business has created a digital breathalyser that it hopes will revolutionise the way alcoholism is addressed. Mobile phone networks and the Internet may be accessed through a sensor that links to this device, as well as a camera that enables the user’s identity to be authenticated and a GPS system that records location data. Users are encouraged, but not required, to use the device at least twice a day, but it can be more often. As a consequence of a positive test result, a text message and an email are automatically sent to the persons in the “patient recovery circle.” In most cases, this circle is established by the user’s choice of doctor and the person(s) closest to them. The user’s profile on the Soberlink site is also updated with the results of the blood alcohol level and the verification of the picture within 30 seconds after the test. Keays claims that there has never before been an equivalent means to monitor alcohol use in real time. Insurance companies paid for urinalysis, but the process included visiting the laboratory, doing a test, waiting for the results… many of my customers did it weekly or monthly,” he says.

Can you be deceived?

Someone other than the patient cannot blow because of the camera. However, if you don’t establish a defined time for testing, you may be able to get around the system. It’s possible to drink a bottle of wine after your final blood test of the day at 5pm, and then wait until the following day to take a new blood test until you’re confident there is no sign of alcohol. Nonetheless, Skipper explains, “We’re dubious whether we witness a blow in the afternoon or in the morning.” According to him, “What we’re doing today is determining a time window for the user, and we send them to take a urine test if they don’t follow the plan.”

Certificate of legality 

According to the FDA, the digital breathalyser has been approved as a medical device allows health insurance to play a major role here. Keays says that his device has helped patients rebuild their trust, which is more excellent news for him. According to Keays, loved ones no longer need to question whether or not they’ve taken a drink since they’ll get an alert. As a substance abuse counsellor, one of my favourite statements to hear from my clients is “I’m being watched, I’m recording my sobriety.” There are many blogs of Soberlink Reviews you can find on the internet.


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